Analysis & reporting

Learn more about your customers

See what people do on your website, inside your app and in secure member areas. Get insight into their actions and traits using audience, attribution and behavior reporting.

Flexible & effective dashboards

Customize your dashboards in just a few clicks. Add, remove and edit analytics bits and pieces and let your data tell its story without any extra visualization tools.

Fresh & accurate data

Get your reports with no delays or processing issues, even when you analyze big sets of data or experience sudden spikes of traffic, thanks to our powerful new tracker.



Customer journey analytics

Customer journey optimization

Explore user paths and analyze multi-channel attribution reports to spot and eliminate weak points in the customer journey.

User flow

See the steps users take to reach their goals. Analyze user behavior starting from the first or the last interaction, or observe their flow through specific pages.

Conversion funnels

Build funnels using different types of user interactions – page views, custom events, downloads and any others available in Piwik PRO.

User flow


A complete dataset

Data anonymization

Respect visitors’ privacy preferences and still have access to valuable data about attribution, page performance and user behavior.

Optional data sampling

Decide if you want to work with a full set of data or optimize the efficiency of your reports with data sampling.

Unlimited access to raw data

Access and export as much data as you need, whether it’s one or 100 million events. 

Customization options

Reports customization

Never get stuck with a default setup. Modify every dashboard and custom report to meet the needs of different users and teams.

Drag & drop editor

Create and customize reports, widgets, dashboards and segments with a user-friendly visual interface.

Data export

Fuel the diverse elements of your marketing stack with analytics data. Export it to the most convenient formats (including JSON, CSV, XML) or retrieve it using our API.

Data integration

Enrich reports with valuable data about click-through rates for ads and page performance in Google search queries.

Marketing campaigns

Track your earned, owned, paid and social media channels in one place. Use multi-channel attribution reports to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Custom integrations

Easily integrate our product with any first-party data source through custom dimensions, User ID feature, our API, or with the help of our team’s hard work.

The comparison of 10 web and app analytics platforms

Learn the key differences between Piwik PRO Enterprise, Google Analytics 4, Matomo Cloud, Adobe Analytics, AT Internet, Countly Enterprise, Mixpanel Enterprise, Amplitude Enterprise, Snowplow Enterprise, and Heap Premier.

Use the free Core plan or get a custom demo of an Enterprise plan setup. Get advanced, privacy-friendly analytics either way.