Extend the value of Piwik PRO Analytics Suite
Integrate your analytics with tools like Google Ads, Google Search Console, WordPress, Power BI, and more.
Marketing integrations
Make use of integrations developed to enhance data quality and marketing performance.
Google Ads
See which campaigns bring the most traffic to your website. Combine data from Google Ads with data from Piwik PRO like sessions, bounce rate, and goal conversion.
Google Search Console
Get information about Google search queries and clicked search results in Piwik PRO. Understand how visitors who came through the Google search behave on your site.
Server-side Google Tag Manager
Add and update tags for conversion tracking, site analytics and remarketing. Use the Piwik PRO integration with Google Tag Manager to collect data server-side.
Client-side Google Tag Manager
Add and update tags for site analytics with Piwik PRO’s client-side Google Tag Manager integration.
Piwik PRO Tag Manager
Integrate Piwik PRO Tag Manager with Facebook Ads, Google Ads and YouTube. Use thousands of integrations thanks to tag manager templates. Enforce consent and opt-out mechanisms to your tags via Consent Manager.
Ecommerce integrations
Collect sales data, customer profiles, product preferences, and order information.
Boost your WooCommerce store’s performance with Piwik PRO. Use the integration to track every step of your customer’s journey, from product views to completed purchases.
Integrate your CMS & Piwik PRO Analytics Suite
Monitor website and content analytics to better tailor experiences.
Use the Piwik PRO code to connect your site to analytics. Make informed decisions to improve the number of website visitors and keep track of other important metrics.
Data visualization & BI tools
Increase your efficiency through integration of data tools you use on a daily basis.
Microsoft Power BI
Connect data from Piwik PRO analytics to your BI platform. Combine it with your entire data ecosystem to create powerful visualizations, dashboards and reports in Microsoft Power BI.
Google Sheets
Export your analytics insights to Google Sheets – as raw data or ready reports. Use our integration available in Google Workspace Marketplace.
Looker Studio (Google Data Studio)
Use data collected by Piwik PRO and mix it with information from different touchpoints in Google Data Studio. Easily build reports and dashboards that let you see the full picture.
Move Piwik PRO data to your reporting and storage platform of choice – whether it’s a spreadsheet or a data visualization tool. Easily combine data to understand your overall performance with the integration created by Supermetrics.
Data storage & cloud
Contact us and learn about integrations that help to ingest, filter, transform, enrich and store big data.
Azure Blob Storage
Perform combined analysis with Piwik PRO and Azure Blob storage integration. Create data lakes for your analytics needs, process your data and build enhanced data pipelines.
SFTP server
Send your analytics data to your secure SFTP server using Piwik PRO integration. Make the most of your data by utilizing it in whichever way you prefer after uploading it to the server.
Mobile analytics SDKs
Measure and optimize user acquisition, engagement and retention in mobile apps.
Android SDK
Collect usage and behavioral data for your app. See how users navigate through your Android app thanks to Piwik PRO.
Capture data about behavior and characteristics of your iOS app users. Understand the user journey inside your app with Piwik PRO SDK.
React Native SDK
Integrate your React Native app with Piwik PRO Analytics Suite. Easily collect data and analyze it with detailed reports and dashboards.
Flutter SDK
Get insight on app usage and user engagement. Integrate your Flutter app with Piwik PRO Analytics Suite.
Web & app analytics
Analyze user interactions and easily track the usage of your web app.
Customer Data Platform
Easily integrate and activate customer data through webhooks and automation tools, including platforms like Hubspot, Slack, Mailchimp, Shopify, Marketo and more.
Activate customer data gathered in profiles and audiences by sending selected attributes to various destinations. Connect your CDP via webhooks with CRM, ecommerce platforms, data warehouses and other products accepting incoming webhooks. Get more flexibility in acting on customer insights with custom webhook templates.
Automation tools
Easily activate data through no-code automation tools, such as Zapier. Integrate your CDP with CRM, content personalization tools, ad platforms, email marketing software, internal communication channels and more. Access data wherever and whenever without needing developers to manage third-party code.
Data import
Import data from your CRM, ecommerce platform, data warehouse and other tools using incoming webhooks or direct integrations. Feed the imported data into the CDP and use it to enrich and update profile data in real-time. Apply the customer data to audiences and activations to combine the data you’ve gathered across touchpoints.
Consent management platforms
Meet compliance requirements, maximize opt-ins, and build trust with customers using consent manager integrations.
Cookie Information
Easily integrate with Cookie Information CMP through a native Piwik PRO Tag Manager tag. Streamline your data collection with a compliant cookie banner and an always-up-to-date cookie policy for your website.
A/B testing tools
Run A/B and multivariate tests, experiment with different versions of your site or app and access your A/B test statistics directly in Piwik PRO.
AB Tasty
Access AB Tasty stats directly in Piwik PRO and compare your A/B tests. Optimize your site, app or campaign through A/B testing, personalization and user segmentation. Benefit from the powerful features of AB Tasty and Piwik PRO brought together to improve user experience and increase conversions.
By integrating Piwik PRO with Conductrics, you can see Conductrics statistics directly in Piwik PRO and easily compare the results of A/B tests. Experiment with different elements of your site and see how they perform. Use Conductrics for A/B testing blended with machine learning to deliver optimal user experiences.
Combining Omniconvert and Piwik PRO gives you access to Omniconvert stats in your Piwik PRO account. Test different ideas on how your visitors interact with your site and stick with what works best. Benefit from Omniconvert for on-page surveys, A/B testing, personalization, overlays and segmentation.
Integrate Optimizely with Piwik PRO to easily compare the results of A/B tests. Improve digital customer experiences and personalize campaigns by experimenting and optimizing your website, commerce, or campaigns. Test various user interactions and make website changes backed by data.
Visual Website Optimizer (VWO)
Connect VWO to Piwik PRO and gain access to VWO statistics. Create multiple variations of web pages, track various conversion goals and see the statistical results. Use an all-in-one data analytics, research and testing suite to optimize your websites and applications to achieve your desired goals.
Webtrends Optimize
This Webtrends Optimize integration allows you to connect your A/B testing stats and view them in Piwik PRO. Increase online conversions through unrestricted experimentation. Perform testing, analysis and personalization to maximize ROI with informed, data-driven decisions.
Single digital gateway integration (SDG) for government organizations
Transfer all the necessary information to the single digital getaway automatically to easily comply with EU regulations.
Single digital gateway (SDG)
Use the integration to send the Piwik PRO monthly report to SDG. The report includes information on page views by country and device for each URL. The integration is available upon request to all our users.
Don’t see the integration you’re looking for?
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