Piwik PRO URL Builder

Track your marketing campaigns with ease and don’t waste time on checking if your links are tagged correctly. Use our helpful Piwik PRO URL Builder to ensure that all relevant parameters are added to your links. Type your custom Piwik PRO campaign parameters and receive ready-to-go URL in few clicks.

Fill in the fields

Step 1

Page URL*

Campaign name*

Campaign source

Campaign medium

Additional parameters

Campaign keyword/term

Campaign content

Campaign ID code

Get the link!

Step 2

URL tagged with pk_ parameters

URL tagged with utm_ parameters

UTM Parameters Converter

Use the field below to convert utm_ parameters into Piwik PRO pk_ parameters. Add or copy full website URL with all utm_ parameters into the form below. *


  • A complete guide to campaign tracking in your web analytics platform

    So, you’ve started running paid or organic marketing campaigns to drive more traffic to your website, or you may have started some online partnerships. Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly which of these brings your website the most traffic? And what about the revenue generated by these channels? That’s exactly where your web analytics…

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