Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Intergovernmental economic organization founded to boost economic progress and world trade.

OECD is a forum of countries describing themselves as committed to democracy and the market economy, providing a platform to compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and coordinate domestic and international policies of its members.

The privacy principles defined by the OECD consist of the following:

  • Collection limitation: data collection should occur only with the knowledge and consent of a concerned individual (data subject).
  • Data quality: you should only collect information which is relevant and accurate for a particular aim.
  • Individual participation: the concerned individual should know if their information has been collected and must be able to access it if such data exists.
  • Purpose specification: the intended use for a particular piece of information must be known at the time of collection.
  • Use limitation: collected data must not be used for purposes other than the ones specified at the time of collection.
  • Security safeguards: reasonable measures must be taken to protect data from unauthorized use, destruction, modification, or disclosure of personal information.
  • Openness: individuals should be able to avail themselves of data collection and be able to contact the entity collecting this information.
  • Accountability: data collector should be held accountable for failing to abide by any of the above rules. There needs to be a dedicated person.

Read more about the OECD on the Piwik PRO blog:

OECD guidelines: 8 privacy principles to live by

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