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3 Simple Use Cases To Do More With a DMP

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Published September 26, 2016 · Updated April 8, 2019

3 Simple Use Cases To Do More With a DMP

The power of a Data Management Platform (DMP) is based on creating specific audience segments and activating data about those audiences in the right way.

All this sounds ideal in theory, but what about real-life examples? In the following post we have decided to show you a couple of simple examples which hopefully will give you a better idea of how a DMP can be used.

Use case #1: Mobile OS and App downloads

Let’s imagine that you are running a successful e-commerce website that attracts a lot of clients every day. Your employee team is also growing dynamically. But in addition to this success, you are also constantly thinking about improving your marketing efforts and increasing your traffic and sales! That’s only natural – there is always something more than you can do, of course!

Okay, so you have created a mobile app with various functionalities aimed at smartphone users who are visiting your e-shop. Of course, you have created your app on iOS and Android. What you need now is to be able to track the app’s users.

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The DMP’s 5 minutes

In Piwik PRO Analytics Suite you can create audiences with specific characteristics. In this use case we will create the following audiences:

  • users with Android OS devices who also visit the site on a desktop computer
  • users with iPhones and iPads (iOS) who also visit the site on a desktop computer

Having those two distinct groups of users, you can create banner ads and popups fitted more precisely to the mobile users. You can also create messages about your app which will match the preferences of the visitors – one with app in Google Play and the second on the AppStore.

Obviously, this is just one of the examples of using Piwik PRO Analytics Suite DMP.

Use case #2: Browser and extension download

Now let’s go to the world of web browsers. Let’s say you are an experienced SEO expert and you are starting a website which helps visitors grade a website in terms of Search Engine Optimization. But besides the website itself, you have come up with a browser extension which user can use to check his or her website’s SEO score directly.

But naturally, there are a couple of major browsers on the market, so you have created add-ons for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera.

The DMP’s 5 minutes

Let’s use Piwik PRO Analytics Suite and create the following audiences:

  • New visitors and users of Mozilla Firefox,
  • New visitors and users of Google Chrome,
  • New visitors and users of Opera,
  • Returning visitors (who downloaded the app) and users of Mozilla Firefox,
  • Returning visitors (who downloaded the app) and users of Google Chrome,
  • Returning visitors (who downloaded the app) and users of Opera,

New and returning visitors can be seperated via Piwik PRO Web Analytics segments and this data can then be imported to Piwik PRO Analytics Suite.

With these groups of visitors you can create a whole range of communications (banners, popups, infoboxes) perfectly suited to specific visitors:

  • for new ones you can advertise the extension and lead them to download it
  • you can remind returning visitors that there is a more comfortable way to grade their websites – using the browser extension

Use case #3: Location and local event

Once again, let’s assume that you are running a rather large website which aggregates information about professional training and workshops on a lot of different topics. These workshops take place across the whole country and there are quite a few offers and slots for future attendees to consider.

Now you are wondering how to efficiently target the right users – located in specific cities or regions.

The DMP’s 5 minutes

Wonder no more. Just use Piwik PRO Analytics Suite to create a full list of audiences based on the following characteristics:

  • Location – the most accurate targeting parameter will be “city”
  • Specificis vited URL or group of URLs – to recognize the interests of the possible client

After creating multiple audiences based on combinations of the characteristics above, you will be able to create precisely targeted messages.

For example, you could communicate a new life coach training in Los Angeles to people from the LA area who visited multiple pages about life coaching on your website.


The main goal of using a DMP is to properly recognize of your audience and, after segmenting them, create efficient marketing communication.

Communicating general messages to all the visitors is similar to creating marketing campaigns with very basic targeting – only a small percent of people will be interested at all.

We don’t like poorly fitted ads which promote things completely irrelevant to our interests, so why should you settle for that kind of marketing communication?

Check out Piwik PRO Analytics Suite and see how you can come up with more and better ways to engage your audience.

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Szymon Grzesiak

Head of Marketing Technology

Marketing expert with over 10 year experience in SEO and SEM campaigns. Last years mostly worked on the B2B lead acquisition. Wordpress webmaster with HTML and CSS knowledge. LinkedIn Profile

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