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Category: Government

8 results

Sergio Jiménez: Pandemic was the moment of truth for governments' digitization

September 7, 2021

Sergio Jiménez: Pandemic was the moment of truth for governments’ digitization

Maciej Zawadziński: How would you define modern citizens? What differentiates them from the kinds of citizens that preceded them? What do modern citizens expect from interactions with the public sector? Sergio Jiménez: Current citizens are the fruit of a 30 or 40 year-long process. We can’t understand them without a reference to the early 80s […]

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Fleur Boesenkool & Niels Dekker: Great public sector websites give visitors a peace of mind

August 17, 2021

Fleur Boesenkool & Niels Dekker: Great public sector websites give visitors a peace of mind

Maciej Zawadziński: You work with both commercial customers and the public sector. Do you see any differences between how organizations from the sectors build their websites? Niels Dekker: What I like about public sector websites is that they give the visitor peace of mind. I always advise to embrace this feeling when optimizing a website. […]

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Toon Vuursteen: Citizens are used to a smooth digital interaction with commercial companies and they expect the same from their government

July 20, 2021

Toon Vuursteen: Citizens are used to a smooth digital interaction with commercial companies and they expect the same from their government

Maciej Zawadziński: The private sector is often used as a benchmark in evaluating the online presence of government organizations. Public institutions work very differently than companies, so what is the point of doing that? Toon Vuursteen: I always advise public institutions not to take the private sector as an example too much. Of course, there […]

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Web analytics for governments part 3: Working with operational KPIs

March 24, 2021

Web analytics for governments part 3: Working with operational KPIs

Metric Recipients Routers Informers Explainers Closers Converters Page views CTR Oops rate Menu rate Search rate Contact rate Bounce rate Exit rate Scroll depth Entry rate from SEO Entry rate from social Entry rare from news apps Successive page consumption Subsequent conversion Drop off rate Time on page Extra time needed End conversion rate

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Web analytics for governments part 2: How to work with strategic & tactical goals

December 15, 2020

Web analytics for governments part 2: How to work with strategic & tactical goals

With e.g. Siteimprove, a tool that helps to spot and fix accessibility problems on your website With the summed “ease of completion” score from all the tasks (the exact method is presented in the next chapter) By creating segments of people with disabilities, e.g. users who turn on the voice menu. Tracking this data allows […]

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Web analytics for governments: The framework for setting the right KPIs

July 6, 2020

Web analytics for governments: The framework for setting the right KPIs

One of the main goals of the public sector institutions has always been to be transparent and give citizens consistent access to public services and information. At the same time, it’s necessary to optimize costs, improve efficiency and better allocate resources.What has changed is that now institutions deal with many of these tasks through websites […]

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Web Analytics for Government and the Public Sector: 5 Arguments to Consider

March 5, 2018

Web Analytics for Government and the Public Sector: 5 Arguments to Consider

Do government agencies know the path that leads to efficient and compliant web analytics tracking? Hopefully this is a rhetorical question. However, if it’s not, then it’s high time to find a convenient and safe way there. You can expect some bumps in the road, whether in the form of technical constraints or the challenges […]

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How to Choose the Right Web Analytics for a Governmental Organization

May 25, 2017

How to Choose the Right Web Analytics for a Governmental Organization

No matter if you are a hi-tech company or a government, your organization is shaped and powered by technology. The choice of it may be, however, difficult for governmental organizations, which on the one hand breathe rigid procedures and, on the other hand, face cost limitations. Both factors can prove to be effective deterrents from […]

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