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Category: Banking & finance

13 results

How web and product analytics improve the customer journey in banking (while also maintaining security and privacy)

July 5, 2021

How web and product analytics improve the customer journey in banking (while also maintaining security and privacy)

An emphasis on customer concerns, privacy and security is important to about 90% of those surveyed by Morning Consult. This leads to a problem for financial institutions of all kinds to balance regulatory compliance with providing customers with personalized offers. Banks need data about the customer journey to understand their clients’ preferences and compete in […]

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How to run web & app analytics projects across banking groups

March 10, 2020

How to run web & app analytics projects across banking groups

Collecting behavioral data about app and website visitors and using it in marketing and advertising context has always been a challenge for the financial industry. We’ve tackled this issue in numerous posts on our blog. The problem is even greater for institutions with a worldwide presence. Because of strict privacy and security regulations – both […]

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7 Areas to Consider to Improve a Digital Bank Account Opening Process

June 14, 2019

7 Areas to Consider to Improve a Digital Bank Account Opening Process

With customers’ expectations on the rise, banks are engaged in a fierce competition to provide top-notch digital products and build satisfaction among a wider audience. Without setting foot in a branch, people can now open accounts via a mobile or desktop app, which offers the great conveniences of speed, security, and 24-hour availability. Still, the […]

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4 Ways Product Analytics Optimizes Onboarding in Online Banking

May 21, 2019

4 Ways Product Analytics Optimizes Onboarding in Online Banking

The focus of financial marketers lies in the number of new accounts opened. Acquiring new customers is often the key strategy point for many companies, not only banks. The question is what’s next? Are your customers using their account actively? Gaining account usage insight is crucial since acquiring a new account alone doesn’t guarantee expected […]

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Web Analytics For Banks: Off-The-Shelf vs. Build-Your-Own

March 29, 2019

Web Analytics For Banks: Off-The-Shelf vs. Build-Your-Own

There has never been a better time for banks to take a 360-degree view of their customers. The trend is heading towards offering a “segment of one”. A personalized experience where the user receives the right offer at the right time. With legal restrictions and internal policies, it’s much more difficult to take full advantage […]

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Case study: Mapping the customer journey in the banking industry with Piwik PRO

April 10, 2018

Case study: Mapping the customer journey in the banking industry with Piwik PRO

Despite initial scepticism and concerns, banks and financial institutions have followed the trend and incorporated web analytics into their strategy. Their reluctance is justifiable, because it involves concern for the privacy and data security of their clients. Another layer of complexity comes with the stringent and dynamic regulatory landscape, where GDPR and ePrivacy are giving […]

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How to optimize customer journey in banking in 4 simple steps

November 10, 2017

How to optimize customer journey in banking in 4 simple steps

In the digital era, rapidly changing digital and mobile channels are generating challenges that banks must deal with. One of the biggest comes in the form of customers’ expectations, which are soaring. Opening an account, transferring money, managing finances via smartphones. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s not about providing the […]

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The Banking Customer Experience - How to Start Tracking Omnichannel Customer Journey of Your Clients

July 28, 2017

The Banking Customer Experience – How to Start Tracking Omnichannel Customer Journey of Your Clients

Banking customers have grown accustomed to the omnichannel convenience – the ability to start a process on a mobile app, then move to desktop, and finish the whole procedure at a local branch. Banks should then monitor the customer experience of their e-banking and m-banking services to make sure that hopping from one device to […]

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How to Handle Marketing Data the Right Way in Banking Industry?

June 21, 2017

How to Handle Marketing Data the Right Way in Banking Industry?

Processing marketing data in banks can be risky business. After all, financial institutions have to juggle sensitive data related to business and at the same time balance between strict sector-related restrictions like PCI DSS, GLBA, Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform, the Consumer Protection Act, and the GLBA Safeguards Rule, just to name a few. Not to […]

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How to Leverage Content Personalization for a Better Banking Experience

May 11, 2017

How to Leverage Content Personalization for a Better Banking Experience

With the proliferation of banking institutions and progressing digitalization of the world, banks are becoming more and more customer-centric. Technology has changed customers’ expectations for good and banks, just like telcos and retailers, need to follow suit and adapt to the busy day-to-day lives of their customers. Hardly anyone steps inside a bank these days […]

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