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Category: Use cases

33 results

Real-time content analysis for publishers

July 25, 2024

Real-time content analysis for publishers

Collecting and processing data in real-time is more than a reporting method: it’s a game changer for publishers and media companies. It’s essential to keep up with the rapidly evolving trends and interests of their audiences. In this text, we’ll explore real-time content analysis, detail its advantages, and show how publishers can take advantage of such reporting. Furthermore, we will discuss how to choose an analytics platform that offers real-time functionalities that suit your needs.

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How to optimize Google Ads campaigns with Piwik PRO Analytics Suite

June 10, 2024

How to optimize Google Ads campaigns with Piwik PRO Analytics Suite

Google Ads offers great reach and impressive ROI, but successful campaigns require careful optimization and continuous refinement. Supplementing the data from Google Ads with analysis tools such as Piwik PRO enables an iterative approach to campaign optimization. Piwik PRO Analytics provides detailed insights into campaign performance, including metrics such as sessions, bounce rate, goal conversions, and revenue.

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Real-time reporting: The complete guide

June 5, 2024

Real-time reporting: The complete guide

“Not all businesses need real-time reporting, but it is very beneficial for some use cases. It is very helpful when it comes to improving user experience (UX) and monitoring website traffic. Real-time reporting allows you to get instant insights and act on them quickly.” Mehdi Oudjida Freelance consultant in digital analytics “Real-time is not an […]

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What is ecommerce analytics and how can you use it to grow your business

May 22, 2024

What is ecommerce analytics and how can you use it to grow your business

The global ecommerce market is expected to be worth $6.3 trillion in 2024 – up from $5.8 trillion in 2023. This continuous growth makes ecommerce one of the most competitive industries. The heightened competitiveness has pushed businesses to find ways to gain an edge over their competitors. The best option they have is turning to what’s readily at hand – vast amounts of data shared by customers.  A thorough grasp of the large data volumes generated by customer activity in your ecommerce operations is critical to determining what works for customers and what doesn’t.

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How you can drive growth for your business with an integrated analytics platform

March 26, 2024

How you can drive growth for your business with an integrated analytics platform

Modern companies employ various technologies for their data processes. Every data ecosystem should facilitate data collection, processing, and management. But simply having access to data isn’t enough – you need to be capable of integrating, transforming, and acting on the insights you draw from data. You can’t do this without the right technology and approach.How […]

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KPIs for ecommerce: Maximizing funnel performance

March 6, 2024

KPIs for ecommerce: Maximizing funnel performance

Regularly assessing your key performance indicators (KPI) is essential for meeting profit targets, remaining competitive, and growing your business. But which KPIs should be prioritized when measuring your ecommerce success? It all depends on your marketing funnel. The more customized your KPIs are to your marketing funnel, the more measurable and impactful they will be.This […]

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Customer Data Platform: Generate meaningful insights with customer data activation and import

February 21, 2024

Customer Data Platform: Generate meaningful insights with customer data activation and import

A customer data platform (CDP) helps you create a unified, comprehensive view of your customers, enhancing personalization and improving the efficiency and flexibility of marketing campaigns. Accessing and using customer data effectively is crucial for business success and gives marketers a tangible competitive advantage. There is no place for limited data access and integration. With […]

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How to use omnichannel analytics for more effective marketing

February 19, 2024

How to use omnichannel analytics for more effective marketing

Single-Channel Multichannel Omnichannel An approach where a business reaches customers through only one distribution option, like online, face-to-face selling, or traditional retail. An approach that combines different distribution options to be present when a purchase decision is made. Channels operate independently, offering distinct shopping experiences. An approach that incorporates all possible touchpoints with a brand, […]

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What is first-party data and how does it benefit your marketing

January 30, 2024

What is first-party data and how does it benefit your marketing

First-party data refers to data a company collects directly from customers and audiences on its own channels. This data is typically obtained through customer interactions, website visits, transactions, and other direct engagements. It is viewed as the most valuable data type for businesses because it comes straight from the source, making it accurate and reliable. From […]

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What is behavioral data and how can it help you better understand your customers

December 27, 2023

What is behavioral data and how can it help you better understand your customers

Challenge Solution Compliance with privacy laws (GDPR, CCPA and others) Implement a comprehensive data management platform that ensures compliance with privacy laws. This could include features for consent management, data access, and permission control. Respecting consumer advertising preferences Utilize preference management tools to track and honor consumer choices, aligning with “Do Not Sell” and “Do […]

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