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Author: Aleksandra Szczepańska

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Aleksandra Szczepańska

Senior Content Marketer

Aleksandra is a senior content writer for Piwik PRO’s marketing blog, copywriter, content creator, and former lecturer on content marketing. With 10 years of experience in marketing, she has effectively juggled branding, marketing strategies, and content creation. She uses SEO best practices and digital marketing strategies to help articles rank high. Aleksandra values the impact of a compelling experience in content and employs various techniques in her writing to deliver valuable insight and engage with readers.| LinkedIn Profile

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Real-time content analysis for publishers

July 25, 2024

Real-time content analysis for publishers

Collecting and processing data in real-time is more than a reporting method: it’s a game changer for publishers and media companies. It’s essential to keep up with the rapidly evolving trends and interests of their audiences. In this text, we’ll explore real-time content analysis, detail its advantages, and show how publishers can take advantage of such reporting. Furthermore, we will discuss how to choose an analytics platform that offers real-time functionalities that suit your needs.

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Real-time reporting: The complete guide

June 5, 2024

Real-time reporting: The complete guide

“Not all businesses need real-time reporting, but it is very beneficial for some use cases. It is very helpful when it comes to improving user experience (UX) and monitoring website traffic. Real-time reporting allows you to get instant insights and act on them quickly.” Mehdi Oudjida Freelance consultant in digital analytics “Real-time is not an […]

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Server-side tracking and server-side tagging: The complete guide

May 8, 2024

Server-side tracking and server-side tagging: The complete guide

For years, companies have been using client-side tags and pixels to track website visitors, improve the user experience, optimize conversion rates, and target ads to the right audiences.  Now, these types of trackers are slowly losing their appeal. As ad blockers become increasingly popular and browsers revoke support for third-party tracking, gathering valuable data using client-side methods is becoming more and more challenging. 

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KPIs for ecommerce: Maximizing funnel performance

March 6, 2024

KPIs for ecommerce: Maximizing funnel performance

Regularly assessing your key performance indicators (KPI) is essential for meeting profit targets, remaining competitive, and growing your business. But which KPIs should be prioritized when measuring your ecommerce success? It all depends on your marketing funnel. The more customized your KPIs are to your marketing funnel, the more measurable and impactful they will be.This […]

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Customer Data Platform: Generate meaningful insights with customer data activation and import

February 21, 2024

Customer Data Platform: Generate meaningful insights with customer data activation and import

A customer data platform (CDP) helps you create a unified, comprehensive view of your customers, enhancing personalization and improving the efficiency and flexibility of marketing campaigns. Accessing and using customer data effectively is crucial for business success and gives marketers a tangible competitive advantage. There is no place for limited data access and integration. With […]

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Is Adobe Analytics HIPAA-compliant?

September 22, 2023

Is Adobe Analytics HIPAA-compliant?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a restrictive data security law regulating US healthcare organizations’ use of protected health information (PHI). The covered entities and business associates that handle the PHI of US patients are subject to HIPAA, even if they don’t reside in the US. It affects many aspects of how […]

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Piwik PRO vs. Adobe Analytics: Comparison of enterprise analytics platforms

July 26, 2023

Piwik PRO vs. Adobe Analytics: Comparison of enterprise analytics platforms

Adobe Analytics Piwik PRO Enterprise Standard reporting Reports & Analytics will be sunsetted in December 2023 rich set of standard reports Web and mobile app analytics Custom reports Custom dimensions Reporting API Customer care Dedicated support specialist Ultimate support package only Personalized implementation & onboarding Ultimate support package only Personalized product training Ultimate support package […]

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Free comparison of 7 enterprise-ready customer data platforms

July 26, 2023

Free comparison of 7 enterprise-ready customer data platforms

Customer data platforms have proved their worth as a vital technology in marketing. They create a single customer view by stitching together sources of fragmented user data. CDPs assist marketers to generate a better customer experience, driven by precise information on user behaviors across every touchpoint.

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Reports in Google Analytics 4 and Piwik PRO: Everything you should know 

July 19, 2023

Reports in Google Analytics 4 and Piwik PRO: Everything you should know 

Google Analytics 4 Piwik PRO Standard reporting rich set of standard reports Regular expressions in filters, segments & groupings Live traffic/live map Consent reports Ability to process personal data and PII (including sensitive data) only encrypted PII allowed (min. SHA256) non-encrypted and encrypted PII allowed Views feature Custom reports Cross-property roll-up reporting (metasites) Funnel reporting […]

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Everything you need to know about the Data Privacy Framework (Privacy Shield 2.0)

July 17, 2023

Everything you need to know about the Data Privacy Framework (Privacy Shield 2.0)

On July 10, 2023, the European Commission announced a new agreement regulating data flow between the US and the EU named the Data Privacy Framework (DPF). It’s a much-needed development considering the importance of data transfers in the global economy. But many issues around this new deal raise concerns about its sustainability.Privacy watchdogs, including Max […]

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