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Author: Karolina Lubowicka

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Karolina Lubowicka

Senior Content Marketer and Social Media Specialist

An experienced copywriter who takes complex topics of data privacy & GDPR and makes them understandable for all. LinkedIn Profile

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Google Analytics might soon be banned in Norway

March 2, 2023

Google Analytics might soon be banned in Norway

On March 1, 2023, the Norwegian data protection authority (DPA), Datatilsynet, released a preliminary opinion about the use of Google Analytics. Datatilsynet stated that using Google’s platform is illegal under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The decision is a follow-up to the 2022 press release, in which the DPA suggested the tool might not […]

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Is Google Analytics HIPAA-compliant?

February 20, 2023

Is Google Analytics HIPAA-compliant?

Disclaimer: This blog post is not legal advice. Piwik PRO provides privacy-friendly analytics software, but does not provide legal consultancy. If you’d like to make sure you’re in compliance with HIPAA guidelines, we encourage you to consult an attorney. Healthcare organizations use analytics platforms to collect and analyze data about their patients. The data helps […]

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We're reinventing our Customer Data Platform

December 14, 2022

We’re reinventing our Customer Data Platform

We have exciting news to share with you. We’re rebuilding our Customer Data Platform (CDP). The new version of the module will provide easier data imports, advanced behavioral audiences, and more options for activating data. The updated platform will give marketers and product teams even more methods to integrate, segment, and act on first-party data throughout […]

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Single customer view (SCV): what is it and how does it work?

December 13, 2022

Single customer view (SCV): what is it and how does it work?

The summary In modern marketing, data is essential but often scattered across channels.Single customer view (SCV) is a method for consolidating data about prospects and clients into a unified record, providing a comprehensive overview of user interactions across various channels and touchpoints.An SCV can include information about user behavior, demographics, interactions with sales and customer support, […]

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Analytics implementation: A 12-step guide (Tracking plan included)

October 12, 2022

Analytics implementation: A 12-step guide (Tracking plan included)

A proper web analytics implementation is necessary to gather accurate insights from your visitors’ behavior and make data-based decisions that will help you improve your business. But creating the right analytics configuration requires you to factor in many aspects, such as: Your business objectives The data you want to track Legal requirements you need to […]

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11 new privacy laws around the world and how they’ll affect your analytics

October 3, 2022

11 new privacy laws around the world and how they’ll affect your analytics

It seems that privacy on the web has never been so widely discussed. The abundance of data breaches and controversies around Big Tech giants made us realize how modern technology can erode our privacy. The response to this is the growing number of new laws that regulate how companies and organizations should handle users’ data.

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Denmark's data protection authority says Google Analytics is illegal under GDPR

September 22, 2022

Denmark’s data protection authority says Google Analytics is illegal under GDPR

In recent months, we’ve seen a domino effect of decisions by European data protection authorities (DPA) concerning Google Analytics (GA). On January 12, 2022, the Austrian DSB released its ruling in the case of an unnamed German web publisher. The regulator stated that working with Google Analytics to collect data on EU residents is unlawful under […]

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CCPA & CPRA regulations: How marketers can comply with the Californian laws

September 21, 2022

CCPA & CPRA regulations: How marketers can comply with the Californian laws

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is the original privacy act enforced in California that revolutionized the approach to data privacy in the US. This legislation was altered and expanded with the introduction of the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA).  Because information about clients is a marketer’s goldmine, many people in the field now fear […]

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PIPEDA & CPPA: How the Canadian privacy laws impact your analytics [Updated]

September 15, 2022

PIPEDA & CPPA: How the Canadian privacy laws impact your analytics [Updated]

The existing Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is Canada’s main federal law protecting user privacy and governing how companies handle personal information.Canada has been trying to better align its privacy and data protection laws with global trends by initiating a modernized data protection framework.Over time, the Canadian government proposed bills to deploy […]

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Why you should perform a mid-year digital marketing review

September 12, 2022

Why you should perform a mid-year digital marketing review

You’ve approached this year with a plan, made implementations, written plenty of useful content and run campaigns to make sure you reach your prospective customers. But do you know how effective everything has been and what to change in the coming months? You can do it with a well-planned, thorough audit of your marketing actions, and […]

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