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Author: Małgorzata Poddębniak

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Małgorzata Poddębniak

Senior Content Marketer

Senior content marketer at Piwik PRO, copywriter, translator and editor. She started as a freelancer, gaining experience with creating versatile marketing content for various channels and industries. Later, she began working as a translator and editor, specializing in academic articles and essays, mainly in the field of history and politics. After becoming interested in SEO, she moved on to work as a content writer for a technical SEO agency. While there, she designed the company newsletter and planned and created in-depth articles, practical guides, interviews, and other supporting marketing materials. She joined Piwik PRO with extensive knowledge of technology, SEO, and digital marketing. At Piwik PRO, she writes about analytics, privacy, marketing, personalization, and data management and explains product best practices and industry trends for different industries.

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8 customer data platform (CDP) use cases that will drive your business growth

May 12, 2023

8 customer data platform (CDP) use cases that will drive your business growth

Companies need data on user engagement to understand the behavior of users on the website or app, assess the performance of marketing campaigns and see how to better address users’ needs. Today, teams can benefit from numerous marketing and analytics tools that allow them to collect user acquisition, behavioral and conversion data from multiple sources and […]

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<strong>Data flow in an analytics platform: How to set up your data collection and analysis process</strong>

March 3, 2023

Data flow in an analytics platform: How to set up your data collection and analysis process

Whether new to analytics or already well-versed, you might have heard a lot about collecting, managing and analyzing data. But what exactly happens in between? How does your data flow from one part of the analytics ecosystem to another? Data can stream in different directions and back and forth between systems. It may take a […]

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Is Google Analytics HIPAA-compliant?

February 20, 2023

Is Google Analytics HIPAA-compliant?

Disclaimer: This blog post is not legal advice. Piwik PRO provides privacy-friendly analytics software, but does not provide legal consultancy. If you’d like to make sure you’re in compliance with HIPAA guidelines, we encourage you to consult an attorney. Healthcare organizations use analytics platforms to collect and analyze data about their patients. The data helps […]

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How to perform successful audience targeting with a CDP

February 14, 2023

How to perform successful audience targeting with a CDP

As much as 72% of business buyers expect vendors to personalize their experiences. However, only 15% of CMOs believe their company is on the right track with personalization. These numbers speak for themselves – companies need to shift their focus and incorporate high-level personalization into their marketing.     If you want to reach your target audience […]

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What is data activation and how does it fit into your data analytics stack

January 31, 2023

What is data activation and how does it fit into your data analytics stack

Modern companies employ various technologies for each stage of their data processes. Data ecosystems differ between organizations based on their needs and resources, but every data stack should consist of components used to acquire, integrate and transform the data. Collecting, organizing and managing data are key aspects of every data analytics stack, but how can […]

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Single customer view (SCV): what is it and how does it work?

December 13, 2022

Single customer view (SCV): what is it and how does it work?

The summary In modern marketing, data is essential but often scattered across channels.Single customer view (SCV) is a method for consolidating data about prospects and clients into a unified record, providing a comprehensive overview of user interactions across various channels and touchpoints.An SCV can include information about user behavior, demographics, interactions with sales and customer support, […]

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70-point comparison of 7 tag managers

November 23, 2022

70-point comparison of 7 tag managers

Piwik PRO Google Segment Tealium TagCommander Matomo Ensighten Manage Product overview Privacy and security compliance Product capabilities Customer care Hosting options Customization Hosting On-premises Cloud Private cloud Content delivery network (CDN) Cloud or private cloud data residency options Privacy and compliance Opt-out / Do Not Track option at the individual tag level Option to enable […]

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6 key Google Analytics limitations

October 25, 2022

6 key Google Analytics limitations

What are the limitations of Google Analytics? Sampled data No access to raw data There’s a restriction on how many hits you can have Privacy compliance issues No privacy by design  Lack of dedicated customer care and support What are the limitations of Google Analytics 4? Lacking features Unintuitive UI Flawed privacy features No suitable […]

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Analytics implementation: A 12-step guide (Tracking plan included)

October 12, 2022

Analytics implementation: A 12-step guide (Tracking plan included)

A proper web analytics implementation is necessary to gather accurate insights from your visitors’ behavior and make data-based decisions that will help you improve your business. But creating the right analytics configuration requires you to factor in many aspects, such as: Your business objectives The data you want to track Legal requirements you need to […]

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Piwik PRO meets the SOC 2 standard

September 29, 2022

Piwik PRO meets the SOC 2 standard

We are proud to announce that, after a year of hard work, Piwik PRO Analytics Suite is now SOC 2 type II-certified.External auditors have confirmed that Piwik PRO Analytics Suite services delivered from Microsoft Azure fulfill the commitments and system requirements based on the trust principle of security. Piwik PRO Analytics Suite’s framework of controls examined […]

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