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Author: Marek Juszczyński

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Marek Juszczyński

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What is customer journey analytics and why it's important for your business

April 12, 2022

What is customer journey analytics and why it’s important for your business

Customer journey analytics helps businesses build a consistent buyer’s journey and outperform competitors. Learn how it empowers your organization.

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User ID analytics overtakes cookies in accurate customer tracking

September 5, 2019

User ID analytics overtakes cookies in accurate customer tracking

Web analytics is all about tracking user behavior to better understand it and make converting easier. New technologies are constantly being produced that make it easier to get a fuller picture of user behavior. In this post we’ll talk about one of these very technologies: user ID analytics. We’ll also discuss how it’s breaking through […]

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How a cookie audit can get you up to date in today’s digital privacy landscape

July 8, 2019

How a cookie audit can get you up to date in today’s digital privacy landscape

Evolving from a simple document to improve website usability, Cookies have become instrumental in how website users are tracked for advertisement purposes. While they’ve been used in advertising for a long time, digital privacy has recently become a global issue in which cookies play a big part.In this post we cover how first-party, third-party […]

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Analytics dashboards: everything you need to know to build effective dashboards

June 28, 2019

Analytics dashboards: everything you need to know to build effective dashboards

As an analyst, you probably go by many names: numbers wizard, chart artist, data guru… But do you consider yourself a teacher? Or a storyteller? Interpreting data is the foundation of being an analyst, but the ability to explain your findings and paint a picture that influences and drives business decisions is equally important. Your […]

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7 Areas to Consider to Improve a Digital Bank Account Opening Process

June 14, 2019

7 Areas to Consider to Improve a Digital Bank Account Opening Process

With customers’ expectations on the rise, banks are engaged in a fierce competition to provide top-notch digital products and build satisfaction among a wider audience. Without setting foot in a branch, people can now open accounts via a mobile or desktop app, which offers the great conveniences of speed, security, and 24-hour availability. Still, the […]

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Integrating your CDP with Ad Platforms for Customer Journeys that Convert

June 11, 2019

Integrating your CDP with Ad Platforms for Customer Journeys that Convert

Customer Journey Stage Customer Data Platform Audience Stage 1: Anonymous visitor Audience 1 Stage 2: Known visitor Audience 2 Stage 3: First-time customer Audience 3 Stage 4: Returning customer Audience 4 Stage 5: Loyal customer Audience 5

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Retail Analytics: 5 Challenges You’ll Overcome With The Right Retail Analytics Software

May 27, 2019

Retail Analytics: 5 Challenges You’ll Overcome With The Right Retail Analytics Software

Retailers face cut-throat competition. Keeping up with industry trends is essential to stay ahead in the race, especially for businesses with an omni-channel presence (often called e-tailers). Also, as a customer-centric industry, retailers are constantly under pressure to serve clients better and increase their overall satisfaction. It’s no easy task. As Shep Hyken writes in […]

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4 Ways Product Analytics Optimizes Onboarding in Online Banking

May 21, 2019

4 Ways Product Analytics Optimizes Onboarding in Online Banking

The focus of financial marketers lies in the number of new accounts opened. Acquiring new customers is often the key strategy point for many companies, not only banks. The question is what’s next? Are your customers using their account actively? Gaining account usage insight is crucial since acquiring a new account alone doesn’t guarantee expected […]

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4 steps to apply product analytics to track user onboarding

April 30, 2019

4 steps to apply product analytics to track user onboarding

User onboarding – one of the most crucial steps in the user journey across a digital product or app. Many marketers believe that the key to this process is to make new users sign up for a free trial, open an account or download an app. If you share this belief, then you could be […]

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Web analytics requirements: 7 steps to improve your analytics strategy

March 20, 2019

Web analytics requirements: 7 steps to improve your analytics strategy

If you want to build a great website, you need to have a solid strategy and clear business requirements. But a good website isn’t just that. If you want to know what is useful and what’s outside of visitors’ interest, you need to include analytics and a tracking plan in your project.Analytics data lets you […]

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