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Author: Toon Vuursteen

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Toon Vuursteen

Senior Manager at GBBO & Guest Lecturer at the Open Universiteit

Toon Vuursteen is a Dutch thought leader in digital analytics for the public sector and the author of the FTG (Functie-Taak-Gedrag) framework. He has advised many public service institutions, including the municipalities of Amsterdam and The Hague (Den Haag), the Dutch court system (Rechtspraak) and ministries, departments and agencies of the Dutch central government (Rijksoverheid).

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Web analytics for governments part 3: Working with operational KPIs

March 24, 2021

Web analytics for governments part 3: Working with operational KPIs

Metric Recipients Routers Informers Explainers Closers Converters Page views CTR Oops rate Menu rate Search rate Contact rate Bounce rate Exit rate Scroll depth Entry rate from SEO Entry rate from social Entry rare from news apps Successive page consumption Subsequent conversion Drop off rate Time on page Extra time needed End conversion rate

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Web analytics for governments part 2: How to work with strategic & tactical goals

December 15, 2020

Web analytics for governments part 2: How to work with strategic & tactical goals

With e.g. Siteimprove, a tool that helps to spot and fix accessibility problems on your website With the summed “ease of completion” score from all the tasks (the exact method is presented in the next chapter) By creating segments of people with disabilities, e.g. users who turn on the voice menu. Tracking this data allows […]

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Web analytics for governments: The framework for setting the right KPIs

July 6, 2020

Web analytics for governments: The framework for setting the right KPIs

One of the main goals of the public sector institutions has always been to be transparent and give citizens consistent access to public services and information. At the same time, it’s necessary to optimize costs, improve efficiency and better allocate resources.What has changed is that now institutions deal with many of these tasks through websites […]

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