Piwik PRO blog

Where digital marketing professionals find advice on how to collect and analyze data in a privacy-friendly way

“Cookieless future” is just a buzzword – Here is all you need to know about the end of third-party cookies

April 22, 2024

“Cookieless future” is just a buzzword – Here is all you need to know about the end of third-party cookies

Cookies have been a vital part of web browsing for years. While some cookies provide essential functionalities like maintaining visitor sessions, third-party cookies have been controversial due to their ability to track users across the web without their knowledge or consent. People have grown more conscious about using and sharing their data, and many feel uneasy about the vast amount of personal data amassed through cookies.

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Implement your data privacy strategy with Piwik PRO Analytics Suite

April 2, 2024

Implement your data privacy strategy with Piwik PRO Analytics Suite

In the third episode of our Masterclass for marketers series, organized in collaboration with Timo Dechau from deepskydata, our experts discuss designing a successful data privacy strategy.Siobhan Solberg, a privacy consultant and the founder of Raze, takes a look at implementing privacy-focused data collection strategies. She explains how privacy by design works and how to […]

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Digital marketing analytics: The beginner’s guide to data-driven marketing success

March 28, 2024

Digital marketing analytics: The beginner’s guide to data-driven marketing success

Overall website traffic and pageviews Without the context of conversion data or segmentation (like channel, location, or device), these metrics provide you with little to no actionable insight. They can give you a false, inflated view of your website’s performance without indicating any real success in engaging or converting visitors. Paid media traffic Traffic generated […]

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How you can drive growth for your business with an integrated analytics platform

March 26, 2024

How you can drive growth for your business with an integrated analytics platform

Modern companies employ various technologies for their data processes. Every data ecosystem should facilitate data collection, processing, and management. But simply having access to data isn’t enough – you need to be capable of integrating, transforming, and acting on the insights you draw from data. You can’t do this without the right technology and approach.How […]

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KPIs for ecommerce: Maximizing funnel performance

March 6, 2024

KPIs for ecommerce: Maximizing funnel performance

Regularly assessing your key performance indicators (KPI) is essential for meeting profit targets, remaining competitive, and growing your business. But which KPIs should be prioritized when measuring your ecommerce success? It all depends on your marketing funnel. The more customized your KPIs are to your marketing funnel, the more measurable and impactful they will be.This […]

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Activate data for a personalized customer experience with the Piwik PRO Customer Data Platform

February 29, 2024

Activate data for a personalized customer experience with the Piwik PRO Customer Data Platform

In the second episode of our Masterclass for marketers series, organized in collaboration with Timo Dechau from deepskydata, our experts dive into the topic of data activation in marketing.Arpit Choudhury, data strategy expert and CEO at databeats and Glenn Vanderlinden, co-founder at Human37, explain how to activate data with the Piwik PRO customer data platform […]

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Integrating Piwik PRO and Cookie Information CMP is now easier than ever

February 27, 2024

Integrating Piwik PRO and Cookie Information CMP is now easier than ever

Last year, Piwik PRO joined forces with Cookie Information (CI), the vendor of a leading consent management platform (CMP) based in Denmark. Our goal with the merger is to give more opportunities for effective and lawful data collection to companies worldwide and help them shift towards first-party data strategies.Our first step to deliver on that […]

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Comparison of 10 leading consent management platforms

February 26, 2024

Comparison of 10 leading consent management platforms

Type of hosting ISO 27001 certified GDPR compliance 100% data ownership Piwik PRO Cloud or private cloud Cookie Information Cloud Cookiebot Cloud Usercentrics Google cloud servers OneTrust Cloud, private cloud or on-premises UniConsent Cloud Didomi Cloud Osano Cloud n/a CookieYes Cloud n/a Ketch Cloud n/a Google Consent Mode Google Consent Mode v.2 Google Tag Manager […]

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Customer Data Platform: Generate meaningful insights with customer data activation and import

February 21, 2024

Customer Data Platform: Generate meaningful insights with customer data activation and import

A customer data platform (CDP) helps you create a unified, comprehensive view of your customers, enhancing personalization and improving the efficiency and flexibility of marketing campaigns. Accessing and using customer data effectively is crucial for business success and gives marketers a tangible competitive advantage. There is no place for limited data access and integration. With […]

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How to use omnichannel analytics for more effective marketing

February 19, 2024

How to use omnichannel analytics for more effective marketing

Single-Channel Multichannel Omnichannel An approach where a business reaches customers through only one distribution option, like online, face-to-face selling, or traditional retail. An approach that combines different distribution options to be present when a purchase decision is made. Channels operate independently, offering distinct shopping experiences. An approach that incorporates all possible touchpoints with a brand, […]

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