Piwik PRO blog

Where digital marketing professionals find advice on how to collect and analyze data in a privacy-friendly way

Real-time content analysis for publishers

July 25, 2024

Real-time content analysis for publishers

Collecting and processing data in real-time is more than a reporting method: it’s a game changer for publishers and media companies. It’s essential to keep up with the rapidly evolving trends and interests of their audiences. In this text, we’ll explore real-time content analysis, detail its advantages, and show how publishers can take advantage of such reporting. Furthermore, we will discuss how to choose an analytics platform that offers real-time functionalities that suit your needs.

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Anonymous tracking: How to do useful analytics without personal data

July 23, 2024

Anonymous tracking: How to do useful analytics without personal data

Piwik PRO tracking methods Anonymous data tracking with cookies and session data Anonymous data tracking without cookies but with session data Anonymous data tracking without cookies or session data Tracking technology First-party session cookie and session hash Session hash Visitor data Session data Event tracking New vs. returning visitors Consent mechanism You can choose full […]

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25 years of digital analytics with Brian Clifton: Considered an obstacle at first, privacy is now top of everyone’s mind

June 11, 2024

25 years of digital analytics with Brian Clifton: Considered an obstacle at first, privacy is now top of everyone’s mind

In the late 1990s, the recognition of the internet’s commercial potential marked a significant shift into the era of digital analytics. This transition not only reshaped approaches to data but also underscored the importance of privacy as a crucial element of modern analytics.Brian Clifton, a renowned digital analytics and privacy expert, takes a trip down […]

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Piwik PRO is a PIPEDA-compliant analytics vendor

June 11, 2024

Piwik PRO is a PIPEDA-compliant analytics vendor

The growing global trend for strong data protection laws is changing how organizations gather and use data. With privacy-focused product features and organizational processes, Piwik PRO is able to support companies in meeting the requirements of GDPR, HIPAA and many others. One of the regulations that Piwik PRO helps organizations comply with is the Personal Information […]

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How to optimize Google Ads campaigns with Piwik PRO Analytics Suite

June 10, 2024

How to optimize Google Ads campaigns with Piwik PRO Analytics Suite

Google Ads offers great reach and impressive ROI, but successful campaigns require careful optimization and continuous refinement. Supplementing the data from Google Ads with analysis tools such as Piwik PRO enables an iterative approach to campaign optimization. Piwik PRO Analytics provides detailed insights into campaign performance, including metrics such as sessions, bounce rate, goal conversions, and revenue.

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Real-time reporting: The complete guide

June 5, 2024

Real-time reporting: The complete guide

“Not all businesses need real-time reporting, but it is very beneficial for some use cases. It is very helpful when it comes to improving user experience (UX) and monitoring website traffic. Real-time reporting allows you to get instant insights and act on them quickly.” Mehdi Oudjida Freelance consultant in digital analytics “Real-time is not an […]

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Harmonizing marketing and privacy: How EU organizations are developing their compliant digital marketing strategies

June 4, 2024

Harmonizing marketing and privacy: How EU organizations are developing their compliant digital marketing strategies

After six years of GDPR enforcement, privacy compliance is no longer an obstacle for EU companies. They have grown to feel more comfortable with the regulation, accepting it as a constant aspect affecting businesses today. Rather than viewing privacy only as a requirement, European companies are now exploring the opportunities it brings. As we’ve observed, businesses are particularly interested in privacy-compliant marketing activities. For many of them, this means turning to technologies such as data activation and customer data platforms, and using them in a way that satisfies the demands of EU law.

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What is ecommerce analytics and how can you use it to grow your business

May 22, 2024

What is ecommerce analytics and how can you use it to grow your business

The global ecommerce market is expected to be worth $6.3 trillion in 2024 – up from $5.8 trillion in 2023. This continuous growth makes ecommerce one of the most competitive industries. The heightened competitiveness has pushed businesses to find ways to gain an edge over their competitors. The best option they have is turning to what’s readily at hand – vast amounts of data shared by customers.  A thorough grasp of the large data volumes generated by customer activity in your ecommerce operations is critical to determining what works for customers and what doesn’t.

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Server-side tracking and server-side tagging: The complete guide

May 8, 2024

Server-side tracking and server-side tagging: The complete guide

For years, companies have been using client-side tags and pixels to track website visitors, improve the user experience, optimize conversion rates, and target ads to the right audiences.  Now, these types of trackers are slowly losing their appeal. As ad blockers become increasingly popular and browsers revoke support for third-party tracking, gathering valuable data using client-side methods is becoming more and more challenging. 

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25 years of digital analytics with Brian Clifton: From examining log files to privacy-focused analytics

April 24, 2024

25 years of digital analytics with Brian Clifton: From examining log files to privacy-focused analytics

From its beginning in the mid-1990s to the present day, digital analytics has undergone significant changes, shaped by technological advancements, evolving market demands, and regulatory landscapes. Join us as we delve into the history of digital analytics, led by the renowned digital analytics and privacy expert Brian Clifton. Our video series comprehensively explores our industry’s history, […]

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