Is your analytics project HIPAA-compliant? A complete checklist with 32 questions
Healthcare organizations want their services to be patient-centric and provide the best quality experience. To achieve this aim, they expand their marketing stacks, gather data and measure the performance of their websites and apps. Using analytics in healthcare doubtlessly brings benefits, as it allows organizations to apply the collected insights to improve their services and…
When design goes awry – How dark patterns conflict with GDPR and CCPA
The designs of websites and apps often guide users and help them navigate content in a simple way. An “X” icon serves for closing documents and programs. The red color around that “X” is a warning signal that catches your attention. Cues such as this are like a secret language to make sites and software…
The invalidation of Privacy Shield and the status of EU-US data transfers
Privacy Shield is no longer a valid legal framework for transferring data from the EU and Switzerland to the US. But large tech companies such as Google still send heaps of data about EU residents to the US. So what has changed?
Ecommerce in transition – providing a safe customer experience
Ecommerce is one of the most popular shopping methods worldwide. Many innovations and improvements led to its esteem, but above all to its success. GDPR on the other hand changed the landscape, increasing fear of revenue slumps – but the opposite is the truth.
Google Analytics alternative: Piwik PRO
According to W3Techs.com, Google Analytics is used by 55.6% of all websites. Its popularity comes as no surprise – it’s developed by one of the most recognizable brands in the world, offers a vast variety of features and is free. Google offers two kinds of properties: Universal Analytics and brand new Google Analytics 4 (GA4).…
Should you run a DPIA for Google Analytics?
Google Analytics (GA) is reportedly installed on more than half of all websites. Its popularity comes as no surprise – it’s developed by one of the most recognizable brands in the world, it’s easy to get started with and it’s “free”. But the tool is useful not only for business owners, it’s also a powerful…
What Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) means for web analytics & marketing [Updated]
Apple released its first version of Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP 1.0) in 2017. The following iterations, especially ITP 2.2 and 2.3, complicate an already challenging set of rules for how to hamper online tracking on Mac and iOS Safari browsers.
Google Chrome will wipe out third-party cookies. What’s next?
At the beginning of 2020, Google caused quite a stir with its initiative to stop supporting third-party cookies by 2022. Justin Schuh, director of Chrome engineering, explains that move should make it possible to “sustain a healthy, ad-supported web.” Note After many delays, on July 22, 2024, Google announced it would not deprecate third-party cookies…
Piwik PRO signs an open letter advocating for a tighter ePrivacy Regulation
Piwik PRO, together with twelve other companies, has signed an open letter urging EU Member States to include strong privacy safeguards in the new Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulation (ePrivacy Regulation). The letter is an initiative of Articl8, an industry group of pro-privacy companies thriving in the face of fierce competition from businesses that harvest…
The CJEU sheds more light on trackers and consent requirements
This year, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has issued two crucial rulings on consent requirements regarding cookie compliance, under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ePrivacy Directive 2002/58/EC (ePrivacy Directive also known as Cookie Directive) and Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive). They highlight that the use of pre-ticked boxes on websites to…
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