Sergio Jiménez: Pandemic was the moment of truth for governments’ digitization
Maciej Zawadziński: How would you define modern citizens? What differentiates them from the kinds of citizens that preceded them? What do modern citizens expect from interactions with the public sector? Sergio Jiménez: Current citizens are the fruit of a 30 or 40 year-long process. We can’t understand them without a reference to the early 80s…
Rotem Dar: Google has, on average, more access to personal information than any other company on the globe
Maciej Zawadziński: Google labeled FLoC as “privacy-friendly”. But privacy and tech experts say otherwise. Some even state that FLoC is actually worse than cookies. With so much opposition, how did Google conclude that FLoC can protect privacy? Rotem Dar: As Google and its Chrome team plan to depreciate third-party cookies, the implied assumption behind FLoC…
Everything you need to know about cookie consent in the EU
We Europeans love cookies. There is Italian cantuccini, German lebkuchen, French navette and Dutch stroopwafels. But love only goes so far. A type of cookie we’re not a fan of is the digital cookie. Cookies on the internet are used to remember our preferences or track us across the World Wide Web. This can have…
Fleur Boesenkool & Niels Dekker: Great public sector websites give visitors a peace of mind
Maciej Zawadziński: You work with both commercial customers and the public sector. Do you see any differences between how organizations from the sectors build their websites? Niels Dekker: What I like about public sector websites is that they give the visitor peace of mind. I always advise to embrace this feeling when optimizing a website.…
Karolina Iwańska: We still haven’t seen groundbreaking decisions that would provide answers to the most pressing questions about data protection online
Maciej Zawadziński: Today, GDPR and similar laws set down the rules of the game for businesses wanting to collect customer data. But how was personal data online protected before 2018? How did businesses behave then? I like to call that time a sort of “Wild West” – would you agree? Karolina Iwańska: GDPR was not…
6 ways analytics software collects data online – plus a comparison of 5 popular platforms
Data collection and analysis are a vital part of running any organization. For online data tracking, cookies and fingerprinting are among the most popular technologies and the basis for many tracking methods. In this article, we’ll discuss those different methods and the possibilities they provide. Additionally, we’ll compare how these 5 platforms approach tracking: Piwik…
Toon Vuursteen: Citizens are used to a smooth digital interaction with commercial companies and they expect the same from their government
Maciej Zawadziński: The private sector is often used as a benchmark in evaluating the online presence of government organizations. Public institutions work very differently than companies, so what is the point of doing that? Toon Vuursteen: I always advise public institutions not to take the private sector as an example too much. Of course, there…
Piotr Banaszczyk: Privacy is the biggest force shaping the future of online advertising
Maciej Zawadziński: The efficiency of online advertising depends on the collection of consumer data and cross-domain tracking. Will the industry manage without third-party cookies and with Apple’s IDFA that allows consumers to completely opt out from tracking? Or will we say “goodbye” to online advertising? Piotr Banaszczyk: I don’t believe that these privacy changes will…
Data privacy laws in the United States and how they affect your business [UPDATED]
In this post we discuss some of the most recent US privacy laws, their scope, impact on your analytics and digital marketing activities, and what you can do as a company to ensure compliance.
Customer lifetime value: what it is and why it is important for your business [Updated]
Marketers and managers devote time, effort, and significant resources to track their customers’ journeys from start to finish, improve content, and provide the best customer experience. However, many marketers focus on fleeting results, such as a single sale or upsell. Businesses that want to ensure long-term success need to see the bigger picture. It means…
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