Data ownership specifies the responsibilities of managing and controlling data within an organization. It determines who has access to specific datasets, who can make decisions regarding their use, and who is accountable for ensuring data quality and compliance. The precise definition of data ownership helps protect sensitive information while maximizing its value for business operations. 

For more insights on data in digital analytics, check our series:

  • Is Google Analytics HIPAA-compliant?

    Disclaimer: This blog post is not legal advice. Piwik PRO provides privacy-friendly analytics software, but does not provide legal consultancy. If you’d like to make sure you’re in compliance with HIPAA guidelines, we encourage you to consult an attorney. SUMMARY Healthcare organizations use analytics platforms to collect and analyze data about their patients. The data…

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  • Everything you need to know about the New York Health Information Privacy Act (NYHIPA)

    On January 22, 2025, the New York Assembly passed Senate Bill S929, also known as the New York Health Information Privacy Act (NYHIPA). The bill now awaits Governor Kathy Hochul’s signature.  The new legislation adopts novel provisions that would make this one of the most stringent privacy laws in the US. It introduces an expansive…

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