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Privacy compliance in 2023 – the experts’ take on marketing and data protection


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Published January 19, 2023

Privacy compliance in 2023 – the experts’ take on marketing and data protection

As a part of Piwik PRO’s forecast discussions, we asked the experts how privacy regulations affected businesses in 2022 and what we should expect this year.

Collecting data while respecting users’ privacy is a challenge for marketers, as there are many new regulations to follow. They are also updated and amended regularly, so keeping up with the news becomes increasingly important.

How to make sure your marketing strategy complies with the new laws and agreements?

We’ve asked our experts:

What were the key regulatory changes that influenced marketing in 2022? Our experts pointed to the Digital Services Act (DSA), the Digital Markets Act (DMA), and post-Schrems II decisions regarding EU-US data transfers

Moreover, Aurélie mentioned the fine imposed on Sephora for sharing data with third-party advertising networks and analytics providers. She also thinks that Japanese companies will become more privacy-compliant, as one company from there was fined for violating GDPR. Luiza pointed out that the speed at which new privacy legislation is planned and approved in the EU is also worth attention. 

However, a key event took place at the beginning of 2023. The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) fined Meta Ireland for breaches of GDPR – 210 million euros for Facebook and 180 million euros for Instagram. “This will change the industry, as lots of parties and courts might be involved,” summarizes Aurélie.

To know more about some of the latest privacy laws and regulations, read our thorough recap: 11 new privacy laws around the world and how they’ll affect your analytics

How to become more privacy-focused in 2023

Valuable marketing strategies should be built around privacy compliance. “For businesses to thrive, you need to have stability in the legal environment,” says Maciej. “Otherwise, you spend a lot of money on things that don’t create value.”

Luiza adds, “every team should be involved to understand the privacy regulations. We should work together to know what benefits we can bring to users, how privacy in tech works in practice, and how to implement it. That’s the way to be successful and privacy-compliant in 2023”.

Aurélie also puts her focus on working together within teams. “2023 is going to be a challenging year, but it’s about collaboration with smart people around you.”

Are data clean rooms the solution for personalized marketing without third-party cookies?

Data clean rooms are one of the latest inventions for collecting data without third-party cookies. These are pieces of software that allow for targeted advertising campaigns to be done in a privacy-friendly way. 

To use a data clean room, two entities, for example, an advertiser and a publisher, upload first-party data. Then, the data is encrypted using various privacy protection measures, such as pseudonymization, restricted access, differential privacy, or noise injections. Both parties get information in the form of cohorts and aggregated reports. This process leads to data activation, which means the data can be used for lawful and targeted marketing. 

To know more details about data clean rooms, we recommend reading this article from Clearcode: What Is a Data Clean Room and How Does It Work?

Data clean rooms promise personalization that doesn’t violate user privacy. They ensure that collected data stays within the data clean room and isn’t shared with anyone else. It all sounds perfectly safe, but is it compliant?

“The question is – can we get consent for doing that on our side? Probably the vendor will say yes, but I have some doubts about it and also about how the consent was collected,” says Maciej. Luiza adds, “from a legal perspective, we’re skeptical if anonymization is even possible.” 

“If you act as a data clean room – you’re providing a handshake between a data processor and data controller. But isn’t it bringing obligations with respect to lawful bases before engaging in these handshakes?” wonders Aurélie. “Because of the purpose of data clean rooms – their obligations should actually be higher than data controllers.” 

Marketing forecast for 2023: skills, technology & privacy

We hope this summary helps you understand the importance of cultivating privacy-oriented marketing and gives you some advice on achieving that. To learn more about our experts’ take on marketing trends for 2023, sign up for the whole series of on-demand video talks about essential marketing skills, regulatory changes, and key technologies.


Marketing forecast for 2023: skills, technology & privacy


Aurélie Pols

DPO at mParticle

Aurélie Pols designs best data privacy practices: documenting data flows, minimizing data use risks, and striving for data quality. Aurélie follows the money to streamline data trails while touching upon security practices and ethical data uses. She leads her own consultancy, serves as DPO for New York-based CDP mParticle, was part of the EDPS' Ethics Advisory Group and now serves the European Commission as an expert in the Observatory of the Online Platform Economy.

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Luiza Jarovsky

Gründerin von Implement Privacy & The Privacy Whisperer

Luiza ist promovierte Forscherin, Datenschutzexpertin und Autorin von The Privacy Whisperer, dem größten unabhängigen Datenschutz-Newsletter, sowie Gründerin von Implement Privacy, einer Plattform für Online-Datenschutzschulungen. 2020 zeichnete sie der israelische Präsident mit dem „President’s Scholarship for Excellence in Science and Innovation“ für ihre Doktorarbeit aus. 2021 erhielt sie den Westin Scholar Award von der International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).

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Maciej Zawadziński

Advisory Board Member at Piwik PRO

A serial entrepreneur and angel investor with a background in AdTech, MarTech and online privacy. Over the last 15 years, Maciej has built and scaled several enterprise SaaS and services companies, including Piwik PRO. As the CEO of Piwik PRO, he grew the company from €0 to €10M ARR. He is currently focused on Next New Ventures, an operator-backed fund that invests in entrepreneurs and brings deep expertise in scaling global B2B SaaS products and IT services companies.

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Natalia Chronowska

Content Marketer

A content marketer with a flair for tech-related topics. With almost eight years of experience, she has developed extensive skills in crafting articles that simplify complex analytics, marketing, and technology concepts. Her journey started in a creative agency, where she focused on using storytelling and gamification to design concepts for international clients. Then, she moved to the IT industry, where she discovered her knack for translating technical jargon into engaging content. She joined Piwik PRO as a content marketer with a solid background in technology. Her main area of expertise involves marketing, analytics, personalization, AI, digital transformation, chatbots, and innovations in multiple industries. At Piwik PRO, she has gained an in-depth knowledge of web and app analytics, compliant data collection, security, and privacy.

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