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Valuable data collection in a privacy-first world – the experts’ take on marketing technology for 2023


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Published January 20, 2023

Valuable data collection in a privacy-first world – the experts’ take on marketing technology for 2023

As a part of Piwik PRO’s forecast discussions, we spoke with our experts about the predicted trends for marketing technology in 2023. 

In recent years, more and more regulatory changes have shaped how marketing works. With laws such as GDPR, HIPAA, new decisions issued by European data protection authorities (DPA) and other privacy-related institutions, marketers need to pay great attention to how they collect data. 

Depreciation of third-party cookies, multiple controversies around Google Analytics, and the increasing popularity of ad blockers and first-party data – this is the “new normal” that calls for a specific marketing stack. 

What are the trends in marketing tools for this year? 

We’ve asked our experts:

In search for the best Google Analytics alternative 

Last year, Google happened to be at the center of the legal storm. There were many reasons for it – the Schrems II ruling, the EU-US personal data transfers, and various DPAs’ rulings, as well as the sunsetting of Universal Analytics and some criticism of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) performance.

Adapting to these new legal circumstances took a lot of work. “Stress for clients and users, lots of questions and uncertainties – nothing was clear at the beginning,” says Vadim. “We had to adapt because without gathering customer consent, we could even lose up to 65% of the traffic,” adds Piotr. 

The concerns around Google Analytics 4 have opened a window of opportunity for other analytics platforms to shine. However, looking for the best alternative is not an easy task.

“Change is never easy, and since alternatives offer completely different data models and reporting, not only marketing has to adapt, but also management. But we must remember that GA4 is not the right choice for everyone,” says Piotr. 

“The question is – can I trust the data in my web analytics platform? I can’t find a tool that measures everything, but there are alternatives that can be trusted,” adds Philipp.

Customer data platforms – a crucial element of modern marketing stack

As third-party cookies are practically dead, marketers need to come up with other ways to collect data about visitors and clients. That’s why there is a rise in the popularity of customer data platforms (CDP). But what should a good CDP offer?

“A good CDP is the one you’ll know how to use,” says Piotr. “You want to be connected with as many sources as possible, but you need to know how to activate your data – otherwise, you only have a tool without bigger value.”

Vadim thinks that the real-time feature is the most important. “CDP should be able to respond in real time. It should give you the data really fast, so it would help optimize your website, as much as its content.”

“CDP enables you to personalize relationships with established and new customers,” adds Philipp. “It’s always about customer experience first and then about the brand.”

Learn more about the updated Piwik PRO Customer Data Platform: We’re reinventing our Customer Data Platform

Collecting data in the privacy-oriented environment

What really matters in privacy-friendly data collection is the value of the gathered information. “If you want your data to be valuable, it has to be enriched with other sources,” thinks Philipp. “The better feedback from customers you get, the better services and data quality you can offer.”

“You need to change your mindset – consider each browser and its limitations, and think about how you collect the data. The impact of this legal perspective is really impressive, so we need to adapt ourselves to the new way of analytics,” adds Vadim. 

The key to successful data collection is to focus on the customer. According to Piotr, “you can’t think that much about the marketing stack. Think about the customer journey and its important touchpoints, then come up with the plan and choose the right ecosystem.”

“Try to better understand customers and journeys by owning your data, then think about what to share with which advertising platforms,” adds Philipp. “Take privacy matters seriously.”

Marketing forecast for 2023: skills, technology & privacy

We hope this summary gives you an overview of the most important trends in marketing technology for 2023. To learn more about our experts’ take on this year’s trends, sign up for the whole series of on-demand video talks about essential marketing skills, regulatory changes, and key technologies.

Video talks
Video talks

Marketing forecast for 2023: skills, technology & privacy


Vadim Baele

Head of Digital Analytics und CRO bei Customer Collective

Vadim ist ein leidenschaftlicher Digital Analytics-Experte mit einem soliden technischen Hintergrund in der Webentwicklung. Er arbeitete mehrere Jahre an vollständigen Implementierungen, von Geschäftsanforderungen bis zu Dashboards und Berichten, hauptsächlich auf Adobe- und Google-Stacks. Er hat kürzlich damit begonnen, zahlreiche Konten auf die Piwik PRO-Plattform zu verschieben. Vadim interessiert sich auch für CRO, CDPs und die Auswirkungen der DSGVO auf die Datenerfassung. Er war Mitbegründer von B-New Digital zusammen mit Laurens Aertssen, bevor er von Customer Collective übernommen wurde.rnrn

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Philipp Loringhoven

Freiberufler für Marketing Analytics und Strategie

Philipp Loringhoven hat die letzten 15 Jahre an der Schnittstelle von Marketing, Daten und Technik verbracht. Er möchte Werbung durch und mit Daten und Marketing Analytics wieder effektiv machen. Er hat internationale Marketingteams für Startups und große Unternehmen geleitet und arbeitet nun als Freelancer, damit Unternehmen ihre Daten nutzen können, um ihr Marketing zu optimieren und die ideale Marketingstrategie zu finden.

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Piotr Słonina

Head of Customer Experience bei Piwik PRO

Experte für Kundenerlebnisse mit einem starken Hintergrund in Online-Analytics. In seiner täglichen Arbeit bei Piwik PRO erstellt und optimiert Piotr Kundenservice-Prozesse und -strukturen für Skalierbarkeit. Er hilft Unternehmen dabei, das Beste aus ihren Analysen herauszuholen und stellt sicher, dass alle ihre Geschäftsanforderungen berücksichtigt werden.rn

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Natalia Chronowska

Content Marketer

A content marketer with a flair for tech-related topics. With almost eight years of experience, she has developed extensive skills in crafting articles that simplify complex analytics, marketing, and technology concepts. Her journey started in a creative agency, where she focused on using storytelling and gamification to design concepts for international clients. Then, she moved to the IT industry, where she discovered her knack for translating technical jargon into engaging content. She joined Piwik PRO as a content marketer with a solid background in technology. Her main area of expertise involves marketing, analytics, personalization, AI, digital transformation, chatbots, and innovations in multiple industries. At Piwik PRO, she has gained an in-depth knowledge of web and app analytics, compliant data collection, security, and privacy.

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