Piwik PRO Talks ePrivacy in Brussels
We’re happy to share the news that earlier this month our CEO and Data Protections Officer (DPO), Maciej and Grzegorz, visited Brussels to take part in discussions on internet privacy at the European Parliament. The event, ePrivacy – Challenges from Browsing to Content Analytics, was inspired and organized by Josef Weidenholzer MEP – a politician…
How to Make Digital Analytics Processing Lawful Under GDPR and ePrivacy?
If you’re a regular reader of the blog series on GDPR Piwik PRO is focusing on, you possibly noticed our posts are leading you through the questions your company should answer to assure readiness and minimize compliance risks with a view to the May 2018 deadline. We initially talked about whether GDPR applied to your…
How to Choose the Right Web Analytics for a Governmental Organization
No matter if you are a hi-tech company or a government, your organization is shaped and powered by technology. The choice of it may be, however, difficult for governmental organizations, which on the one hand breathe rigid procedures and, on the other hand, face cost limitations. Both factors can prove to be effective deterrents from…
GDPR & Children: Teaching Kids How to Lie on the Internet
Our “Smart” TV has its camera no more. We deactivated it when first setting up the device. Software updates tended to override that very setting. A cache was put on the camera. Finally, we exchanged the TV for another without camera or microphone – to find such a device, the local vendor had to fetch…
How to Leverage Content Personalization for a Better Banking Experience
With the proliferation of banking institutions and progressing digitalization of the world, banks are becoming more and more customer-centric. Technology has changed customers’ expectations for good and banks, just like telcos and retailers, need to follow suit and adapt to the busy day-to-day lives of their customers. Hardly anyone steps inside a bank these days…
Will EU’s new data reg hit your bank?
This article originally was published on Banking Exchange. Strict consumer data privacy and security regulations aren’t new to the financial services sector. However, the upcoming European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy regulation add a new layer of complexity to existing practices, forcing financial service professionals to depart from business as usual when…
The Power of Personalized Content
This article originally was published on ABA Bank Marketing. Consider these three channels where financial services brands can boost marketing ROI. Financial marketers are at a crossroads. Today’s consumers almost never have to step foot in a bank and can even apply for a mortgage in minutes right from their smartphone. Digital marketing has also…
Telcos and Customer Info: Why Free Reign Data Selling Should Be Prohibited
This article originally was published on MarTech Advisor. Maciej Zawadzinski, CEO of Piwik PRO discusses that it’s never been more challenging for advertisers and marketers to break through the massive amounts of noise both on and offline. Consumers largely tune out irrelevant messages and move seamlessly between channels and devices. Therefore, brands today are scrambling…
GDPR: Territorial Scope. Why the Regulation Applies Even If Your Company Is Not Based in the EU
Lawyers typically start their data protection compliance assessments by asking 2 simple questions: what data and where? The next step then flows logically to define which laws apply, depending upon where the data collection and processing operations take place. From there, a gap analysis is undertaken to detail a risk estimation related to data usage…
What You Should Know About Custom Development of Piwik Web Analytics
You have been utilizing Piwik for some time now and, we hope, it has helped you expand your business. You got the hang of the tool and have ideas on what other functionalities a web analytics tool could have. You may also be at the point of realizing that Piwik, useful as it has been…
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