Piwik PRO blog

Where digital marketing professionals find advice on how to collect and analyze data in a privacy-friendly way.

  • 6 Ways a Digital Ad Agency Should Ensure Web Analytics Data Security

    It would not be an overstatement to say that there is hardly any legal framework these days that would be as volatile as the one concerning data security. On the one hand, there is the European GDPR coming along, on the other hand, the US senate has just voted for repealing of the FCC regulation…

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  • Everything You Need to Know About the GDPR. An Interview With Aurelie Pols. (Part 2)

    This is the second part of the Q&A with Aurélie Pols. To read the first one, click here. What industries will the changes impact most and how will they affect them? Unfortunately, I don’t have a crystal ball. Many industries have invested in data over the past years, therefore companies and their respective industry organizations…

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  • Piwik PRO Adds New Feature: Media Player Tracking

    Learn more about your visitors interactions with videos on your websites with Piwik PRO’s new Premium Feature: Media Player Tracking. Find out if your video content is engaging your users, and how effective your multimedia efforts are. Media Player Tracking allows you to track videos played on your website and supports all HTML5 based content.…

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  • Everything You Need to Know About the GDPR. An Interview With Aurelie Pols. (Part 1)

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has long been in the spotlight. And for a good reason – it is bound to profoundly affect organizations’ data operations. The Regulation comes into effect on May 25, 2018, which means it’s about time organizations revised their online strategies to have them in place before the law takes…

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  • Raw Data Access – Using Piwik PRO for Advanced Attribution Modeling

    Unlike other analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics (GA) which are hosted in the service provider’s Cloud, Piwik can be hosted on-premises or in the private cloud in a dedicated database or on dedicated hardware. Cloud-based solutions generally have API limitations around data export. And if you’re an analyst who’s using analytics as a data…

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  • A complete guide to campaign tracking in your web analytics platform

    So, you’ve started running paid or organic marketing campaigns to drive more traffic to your website, or you may have started some online partnerships. Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly which of these brings your website the most traffic? And what about the revenue generated by these channels? That’s exactly where your web analytics…

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  • How Your Web Analytics Can Team Up With a Tag Manager for Better Insights

    Digital marketing has come a long way. It became more and more complex and demands that marketers be able to coordinate and manage a vast number of tools to get the most precise and insightful data. This often means that the marketing team can lose control of part of their work, as they need the…

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  • 5 Things to Consider Before You Set Your Mind on a Self-Hosted Analytics Platform

    If you are here, you may be considering running a self-hosted analytics platform on your own servers. It surely is the most secure and efficient way of running a web analytics tool: First of all, you know exactly where your data is kept as it is stored either on your premises or on the servers…

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  • Why you really need a DMP in your marketing stack

    Show me your marketing stack and I’ll tell you whether you’re a smart marketer or not. Yes, it’s that simple. No tests, no questions, no vetting your past experience. Just show me the tools you use, and I’ll tell you whether you are a smart digital marketer or not. Because, you see, there’s one telltale…

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  • How Can A DMP Help With Cross-Device Attribution?

    Cross-device attribution. These 3 words are responsible for headaches, missed opportunities, and ad waste for online advertisers and marketers everywhere. And while it’s true that cross-device attribution is hard, there is a solution, and like most solutions to today’s advertising and marketing problems, it involves data, in particular, a data management platform (DMP). How Can…

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