What is the modern data stack and how it can change the way you do analytics
In an era where accessing vast volumes of data poses no challenge, the real trouble lies in making sense of data. Disconnected systems leading to data silos often obscure a unified view, rendering meaningful insights impossible. The concept of the modern data stack (MDS) addresses these challenges by offering an integrated architecture that’s scalable, future-proof…
Dedicated database – a private cloud that perfectly combines security with cost-effectiveness
In today’s data-driven world, companies need to manage and process huge volumes of data in order to gain insights and make informed decisions. Cloud-based solutions, which provide flexible and scalable options for storage and analysis, have become highly popular as a result. There are businesses that, due to the sensitivity of the data they handle,…
Piwik PRO and Cookie Information are merging to strengthen the first-party marketing tech offering
We have exciting news to share with you. Piwik PRO is joining forces with Cookie Information, a renowned consent management platform (CMP) vendor based in Denmark and our trusted partner. Together, we’ll provide more opportunities for effective and lawful data collection to companies worldwide and help them shift towards a first-party data strategy. Keep reading…
Jude Onyejekwe: SaaS products can enhance the community experience by incorporating humanity, knowledge sharing, and recognition.
Piotr Korzeniowski, CEO at Piwik PRO: You share a lot of helpful resources around various martech tools on your website. What motivates you to create content? Jude Onyejekwe, Marketing Analytics Specialist at Hedy and Hopp and co-founder of DumbData: My main goal is to make analytics easier. Therefore, I create content to simplify the measurement…
The comparison of 10 web and app analytics platforms [UPDATE]
As a marketer or analyst, you’re responsible for monitoring relevant metrics so you can make prompt adjustments, run campaigns or perform conversion rate optimization. Web analytics platforms help companies surface useful insights to better understand their users and how they interact with their sites or apps. The data they gather helps businesses refine their operations…
Charting a new course for Piwik PRO: bringing more value to the clients as an integrated analytics platform
Being data-driven has been a dominant trend for businesses. And while data collection plays an important role in the process of making informed decisions, it’s only the first of many steps. The real key to success is making the data actionable. And that’s the primary mindset behind the updates to our strategy at Piwik PRO…
HIPAA, marketing and advertising: How to run compliant campaigns in healthcare
Disclaimer: This blog post is not legal advice. Piwik PRO provides privacy-friendly analytics software, but doesn’t provide legal consultancy. If you’d like to make sure that you comply with HIPAA guidelines, we encourage you to consult an attorney. Healthcare organizations deal with tons of sensitive information concerning people’s health. It needs to be handled with…
Is Adobe Analytics HIPAA-compliant?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a restrictive data security law regulating US healthcare organizations’ use of protected health information (PHI). The covered entities and business associates that handle the PHI of US patients are subject to HIPAA, even if they don’t reside in the US. It affects many aspects of how…
What is the new UK Data Protection and Digital Information Bill and how it will impact your marketing and analytics
Following Brexit, the UK implemented the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in a form consistent with UK law, commonly called the UK GDPR. The UK GDPR is supplemented by the 2018 Data Protection Act (DPA) and 2003 Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). Over the years, the UK Government saw a need for new rules…
Is Google Analytics (3 & 4) GDPR-compliant? [Updated]
Google Analytics is the most popular analytics tool on the market. It’s free and allows you to analyze website traffic and gather valuable data about user behavior. But at the same time, the way Google Analytics collects and processes data has been a concern for privacy-conscious businesses and regulators. The Austrian, French, Italian, Norwegian and…
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