Piwik PRO: A reasonable Webtrends alternative
You have a business need for secure and compliant web analytics. Most likely it’s because your organization takes data security and privacy very seriously. Industries such as telecoms, healthcare, banking, and the government and public sector demand premium protection for the sensitive data they gather. And if your organization operates in one of them, then…
How to compare segments and data ranges in custom reports for better analytics insights
With analytics software at hand, marketers are well equipped to devise their tactics and make an informed decision. However, having a great tool is not enough: the key is to get the most out of it to make it work for your specific needs. In today’s post we’ll walk you through using Custom Reports for…
4 burning questions about onboarding personal data and personally identifiable information (PII) to your analytics platform
If your organization operates within the digital ecosystem, whether it’s the banking, telecommunication, or healthcare industry, chances are you’ve got significant untapped potential laying dormant. This potential is your customers’ data and sensitive information. Most probably it’s trapped in silos of different departments, which is hindering your marketing team from getting the most out of…
4 steps to optimize visitor engagement with your website using the content efficiency report
How can you measure your content’s efficiency when the data you need is spread across multiple reports? The answer is simple: with a Content Efficiency Report. It’s flexible, so you can adjust it to your specific needs, and it brings all the vital data together in one place. This custom report will help you understand…
How Analytics & Customer Data Platform Can Help You Track the Full Customer Journey
Technological innovations are changing the landscape of the banking industry and creating more opportunities to tap into. Banks and the financial sector strive to provide a compelling customer journey. With so much data at hand, you’d think it would be an easy task. As it turns out, however, technological advancements like web analytics are not…
The ultimate guide to data anonymization in analytics [updated]
In the face of GDPR, many companies are looking for ways to process and utilize personal data without violating the new rules. This is all quite difficult, as GDPR significantly limits the ways in which personal data can be collected and processed. One of the biggest challenges is the high bar the regulation sets for…
Guest Blogging for Piwik PRO
If you’re here, you’re most likely familiar with Piwik PRO and you appreciate the content that we produce. We’re glad you do. If you’re passionate about technology and writing, have extensive knowledge on web analytics and marketing technology, you’re a relentless researcher, love learning and communicating your expertise, we’d love to hear from you! Topics…
Piwik PRO & ClickHouse: how we used it to make our reports faster and more efficient
As you probably know, a few months ago we introduced a powerful addition to our analytics stack – Custom Reports. Equipped with a new engine, the new module has made our analytics faster and more agile than ever. It wouldn’t have been possible without the powerful database management system offered by ClickHouse (kudos, guys!). In…
Discover your landing page issues with message match report
Imagine a visitor to your site sees an ad promoting great sales for online courses. But when they come to your site, they only see a small discount on an accounting training course. Or they get an ad for spring jackets, but after clicking it they land on a page full of outerwear and get…
How to build a segmented funnel you can be proud of
Let us show you how applying segments will help you pinpoint problems ruining your funnels’s performance. Funnel visualization reports are used so often they have become an indispensable part of web analytics. It comes from the facts that: However, you have to be aware that with funnels alone you barely scratch the surface of optimization…
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