Conversion rate is the percentage of sessions in which visitors have performed a desired action, such as completing a purchase, downloading an ebook, or subscribing to a newsletter. You calculate this rate by dividing the number of conversions by the complete number of those sessions.

You can calculate conversion rate across a whole website or for specific pages.
In this example, we will compare the site-wide conversion rate with an individual Landing page :

Total number of sessions on a website – 3000

Total number of sessions on a landing page – 200

Conversions – 10

Conversion rate for entire website will be – 0,33%

and for the landing page responsible for creating the conversions – 5%

To get more details on conversion rate, read our posts:

  • 25 years of digital analytics with Brian Clifton: Being data-informed, not just data-driven

    As organizations increasingly rely on data in their business decisions, the challenges of ensuring data accuracy, consistency, and ethical collection are becoming more and more important. Along with understanding the audience’s needs, supporting collaboration between teams, and securing privacy compliance, these challenges have evolved into data collection and analytics priorities.  Let’s dive into the third…

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    Piwik PRO is officially HIPAA certified!

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